In the landmark 2010 Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, one of the major recommendations focused on the need for better data collection and an improved information infrastructure. Recently the GNLC, in collaboration with the Georgia Board of Nursing, the Georgia Board of Physician Workforce, and the Center for Nursing Data Science at Emory University have negotiated a partnership to advance the preparation and release of reports focused on the status of the nursing workforce in the state. Since 2010, the GNLC has played a critical role in advancing the availability and access to accurate nursing workforce data in the state including:
· Revision of the nursing re-licensure survey to align with the minimal nursing data set recommendations of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
· Preparation and release of the Registered Nursing Workforce Report for 2014-15,
· Exploration of methods of obtaining data on the demand for registered nursing in the state,
· Identification of potentially useful sources of nursing workforce data, and
· Formulating key questions for Georgia's nursing workforce as the data are analyzed.
The Georgia Board of Physician Workforce produces reports on the physician workforce needs of Georgia communities, supports medical education programs, and by producing workforce reports aids in access to health providers throughout the state. In recent years the scope of the Board has extended by producing reports on the physician assistant workforce and the dental workforce in the state. GNLC is pleased that the Board has agreed to also prepare the biennial reports from the State Board of Nursing re-licensure data for the registered and advanced practice nursing workforce in the state. The Physician Workforce Board is currently preparing the report of the data of the 2016-17 re-licensure survey and it will be posted for public access on their website. The GNLC website will include a link to this new report when it is posted. This partnership will provide a sustainable resource for the preparation of these reports biennially.
In August 2018, Emory University’s Center for Nursing Data Science received a $200,000 award from the Woodruff Health Science Center to advance nursing workforce initiatives. This Center will serve in a supportive role to the Georgia Board of Physician Workforce and Georgia Board of Nursing effort, and will maintain a data repository for other groups, including educational institutions and graduate students who may request access to nursing workforce data. Staffed with national leaders in nursing data and analytical methods, Emory’s center will assist others in access/interpretation of workforce data from a number of sources. The Emory center will analyze other sources of data on the nursing workforce supply and demand in Georgia and conduct trend and comparative analyses with data from other states/regions. All GA nursing workforce reports generated by the Emory center will be publicly accessible on the GNLC website. The GNLC and the Emory center will continue to be an important liaison to the Forum of National Nursing Workforce Centers, designed to support the advancement of new as well as existing nurse workforce initiatives and share best practices in nursing workforce research, workforce planning, workforce development, and formulation of workforce policy.
In August 2018, two nationally recognized scientists joined Emory University and will partner with the GNLC to advance its workforce supply and demand initiatives.
Dr. Li
Dr. Yen Li, PhD, Assistant Professor’s research is aimed at uncovering knowledge related to nursing workforce, as well as the costs and quality of care at both the national and international levels. Dr. Li has an interdisciplinary education and training in medicine, nursing, economy, business, and sociology. She also has extensive background and experience in data management and analysis, especially using large datasets. Her dissertation used an economic theory to examining the primary care nurses’ contributions to the quality of primary care and their economic returns. Currently funded studies focus on developing a business case for employment of hospital-based advanced practice registered nurses and examining how nursing licensure compact may improve the response to natural disaster.
Dr. Cimiotti
Jeannie Cimiotti, PhD, FAAN is an internationally known health services researcher with expertise in nurse workforce issues and the quality of patient care. She has served as a member of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Safety Program for ICUs and on the U.S. News & World Reports, Best Hospitals for Common Care, Medical Advisory Panel. Her current research funded through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing examines the use of advanced practice registered nurses in acute care and associated patient outcomes, as well the availability of nurses during times of natural disasters and how the availability of nurse resources are associated with both nurse and patient outcomes.
Drs. Cimiotti and Li are working collaboratively with the GNLC, the Georgia Board of Nursing and the Georgia Physician Workforce Board to generate timely and accurate reports on the status of the nursing workforce in Georgia. Housed in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing Center for Data Science, Drs. Cimiotti and Li will assist other nursing researchers and students in data access and analysis on compelling nursing workforce issues in the state.
Workforce news
New issue brief from DHHS: Building the Nation's Health Care Workforce
Report from the 2012 National Sample Survey of Nurse Practitioners
The National Governors Association (NGA) announced the selection of seven states—Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Wisconsin—to develop and implement statewide plans for their health care workforce.
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Linda McCauley, Chairperson
Blake Tyler McGee, Chairperson